
Tailoring Your Fitness to Your Age by Caitlin H, Feb 19, 2024 You know that exercise is essential, with countless studies showcasing how it can improve everything from heart health to immunity, skin vitality, and more. But if you’re getting on in life, there’s a good chance you’ve noticed any movement becomes a bit more difficult…


Satisfy Your Valentine’s Sweet Tooth with These Sweet Recipes by Caitlin H, Feb 5, 2024 Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. If you plan on busting out the cooking skills for a quiet night in with your sweetheart, adding a delicious, light dessert at the end of the meal will show them you’re next-level. Or,…


Morning Exercise Provides a Host of Benefits by Caitlin H, Jan 22, 2024 Exercising at any time of day can go a long way toward boosting your physical and mental health. However, a recent study found that people who worked out in the morning, specifically between 7 and 9 a.m. tended to be thinner than those who…


Being Fit Earlier in Life Means Reduced Cancer Risk Later by Caitlin H, Jan 15, 2024 Life gets complicated as we age. Our time becomes more limited as the responsibilities pile up, we have kids, we focus on building our careers, you name it. The more complicated it becomes, the more challenging it can be to…


The Science on Mindfulness and Weight Loss by Caitlin H, Jan 8, 2024 You’re starting a weight loss journey. You’ve probably researched and read up on how to do it successfully. You’ve thought about the essential things you need to do to meet your goals. One thing you may not have even considered is the importance…


10 Weight Loss Affirmations to Keep You Going Strong by Caitlin H, Dec 18, 2023 When you start out on a journey to lose weight, it can feel daunting. You have to change your eating and drinking habits, get educated, set a timeline, and measure your success along the way. You may even incorporate fitness into the…

Top 2 Ways To Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes

by Caitlin H, Nov 27, 2023 Type 2 diabetes happens when too much sugar in the bloodstream disrupts the body’s ability to process it correctly, leading to immune, nervous, and circulatory conditions like heart disease, nerve damage, eye and hearing impairments, skin conditions, sleep apnea, and long healing times. If you are living with Type 2…


7 Realistic, Can-Do Tips for a Healthier Holiday Season by Caitlin H, Dec 4, 2023 A quick Google search will yield all sorts of articles sharing all the ways you can stay healthy and keep your diet going strong during the holidays. But how realistic are they? The truth: not very — at least not if…