The 7 Best Scented Hand Creams

We’re not yet free of winter’s grasp and its drying effects on our skin—and won’t be for a while now. So what better time to try out a new scented hand lotion? We can battle cuticle dryness, try out a new fragrance (or several) and daydream about the warmer weather to come (in six months). Not…


3 Strategies to Maximize Weight Loss Through Portion Control by Caitlin H, Oct 10, 2022 Most diets focus on restricting your eating by cutting out things like refined sugars, carbohydrates, fat content, etc. And while reducing your intake of those things can aid in weight loss*, the constant restriction can also make it more challenging to…


7 Delicious, Healthy Weekend Dinners for Fall by Caitlin H, Sep 26, 2022 Autumn is such a fun time. The cooler weather and changing leaves make for an excellent time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Plus, the seasonal produce makes for exciting, tasty dishes that are packed with nutrition and flavor. Do you…

Veggie Egg Bites | Kara Lydon

An easy make-ahead breakfast that’s perfect for grab-n-go in the morning, these veggie egg bites are packed with chopped vegetables, herbs and cheddar cheese! This post is sponsored by Truly Grass Fed. Thanks for supporting the brands and organizations that make this blog possible. As always, opinions are my own! Mornings can sometimes feel hectic…

Spa of the Month: Canyon Ranch Lenox

Sign Up Now & Receive 10% Off Your First Purchase Each month Yon-Ka Paris features our top spa partners as a way of helping you find the very best when it comes to luxury skincare experiences. Due to their commitment to excellence when it comes to high touch, luxurious professional spa treatments, we award…

Nurse Tries Diet-to-Go and Sheds 30 Pounds

by Caitlin H, Jul 25, 2022 Name: Michelle Wright Age: 37 Occupation: Nurse Meal Plan: Balance-D Favorite Meal: Greek Burrito Breakfast Start-date: November 2021 Starting weight: 266 Height: 5’5” Pounds Lost: 30 Activity Level: Cardio drumming one day a week When I get a craving, my go-to trick is: I just bought a Circle Water Bottle…